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This week's reading for those participating in the 'Reading in Business Studies' weekly display.


There's also a version without a QR code, if phones are a total "no-no" in school!


It can be difficult to incorporate reading into Business Studies lessons consistently; getting learners engaged even more so. This weekly update focuses on a different article, online journal or website to get learners reading within the subject.


Ideally printed on A3 and laminated below this week's reading title. Mean Business cannot be responsible for the content of third party websites - teachers should be checking this content before promoting the weekly reading scheme!


This resource in detail:

  • Format: PDF
  • Editing: Not editable
  • Content: 1 x A3 sheet with this week's reading on (2 pages, QR version and non-QR version)

This week's reading - 06.05.2024 (B is for B&Q)


    Please note: If this is a free resource, the download link will appear in the resource's description.

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